The whole process taking less than 6-11 minutes usually to get started!
But, this is where my simple secret comes in that eliminates the costs you’d have to pay otherwise (like 99.9999% of everyone else!)
This way, even if before I would have ran up a daily cost of $2,000 on pay-per-clicks, NOW I don’t have to pay this charge using what I now have mastered!
And this is a secret *YOU* cannot afford to pass up either!
I mean, on what you’d spend for my secret, you’d throw
away in just minutes advertising on Google, Yahoo, MSN,
Overture and other search engines – so it makes great
sense to forever claim my secret for yourself, right?
So why continue throwing all your money away when you could be saving (and therefore PROFITING MORE!) your money instead using my amazing -- but very simple -- SECRET?
Instructional Content Disclaimer: Further, the system it involves neither has anything to do with any “AdWords™ and/or AdSense™ credits or vouchers,” nor the direct provision by Google to the customer any direct free advertising at anytime; nor any free pay-per-click or otherwise paid-for advertising directly; but rather is a system that if applied correctly and properly and effectively, and as instructed per the author’s direction, may allow for the elimination of the burden of costs pertaining to that customer’s pay-per-click and/or otherwise paid-for advertising expense(s). No assurance of success, therefore, is ever given now or at any other time to any buyer(s) of this Work, and/or party(ies) that may read and/or apply its instruction(s) within or without, and/or paying customer(s) or otherwise; and the Publisher assumes no legal responsibility(ies) or liability(ies) for the product’s application; and as reasonably ones success or failure may be due to factors beyond the control of the Publisher, either directly or indirectly.
More emails from REAL PEOPLE who are using my
secret even now to get their ads on Google and other
search engines FREE:
“I was amazed that it worked so easily.
“Within 3 weeks of starting, I had no advertising costs with Google whatsoever, and still had 993 keywords running strong!
“Ordinarily this would have cost me an arm or a leg, but now I get all this incredible advertising FREE (just like you promised!)
“So powerful is your system that even without pushing it to what I
suspect is less than 1% of its true power, I’ve still been able to

“Thank you, Jon, for showing me this amazing plan!”
Sammy Robbins
“Your secret is the ‘Holy Grail’ for PPC advertising!
“I ordered Perry Marshall’s stuff, which is grand in itself…but YOUR twist on all of it is the most exciting thing I’ve ever seen.
“What ticks me off though is that after reading your ebook I couldn't believe I had never thought of how to do

“I now am more than confident that I will be very, very rich as soon as just six months from now!"
Carroll Yalmez
“Had we shook on a bet I’d be piss poor right about now cuz you’d be the winner hands down, Mr. Cohen.

“Now though I consider myself armed and dangerous because I think of your secret as the best marketing weapon ever developed for aggressive advertisers."
Andy “Sugar Hand” Sweetman
* The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.
If you’re still willing to pay for all your Google AdWords ads after finding out here and now that others are now getting $10 million’s in Google advertising FREE, then something must be wrong!
The fact is... ***You DON’T have to pay for another
Google AdWords ad ever again!***
I’ve literally set up 100’s of Google ad campaigns and generated $1 million’s in clicks, yet didn’t pay for a single click!
=>> And I didn’t have to do anything illegal, nor did I do any ‘hacking’, nor do I know anyone or have a relative working at Google to be able to do this!
Instead, I developed a simple, straightforward system that’s easy-to-do that you can start using in just minutes of securing my secret for yourself!
But before even thinking of stealing my secret for yourself, here are some FAQs you need to know…
Is your system illegal?
Answer: Absolutely NOT! In fact within just minutes of cracking open my secret for yourself, I honestly believe you’ll be kicking yourself in the head for not having thought of this yourself. You’ll probably say to yourself “Man! This is so easy and simple, why didn’t I think of this first? I could now be selling this secret to the world and making a killing!”
Do I have to be some kind of technical “wizard” to use and apply your system?
Answer: Are you kidding? What would be the point of trying to sell you something it took a Harvard PhD in order to use? The fact is that anyone (including an 11 year old kid!) can easily use and apply my secret. And I’m not being figurative either! I’ve actually received an email from one lady who told me that due to her poor eyesight she had her 11 year old son read my system and set the whole thing up for her. So if that doesn’t tell you how easy and simple it is to do then nothing will convince you!
Does your system require I know someone on the “inside” at Google?
Answer: Nope! Anyone can secure my system in just 2 minutes from right now, start using it within 45 minutes from now, and be getting $1 million’s in otherwise paid-for Google advertising, but because of my secret never have to pay for another pay-per-click ever again! And you never have to know anyone or have any friends or family working at Google (or any other search engine) in order to do this!
Is your system limited to just Google only, or can I use it for other search engine pay-per-click advertising?
Answer: My system works for Google™, Yahoo™, MSN™, Overture™, AOL™, AltaVista™, Lycos™, AllTheWeb™, HotBot™, Froogle™, Accoona™, AskJeeves™, DogPile™, GigaBlast™, InfoSpace™, Kanoodle™, Looksmart™, MIVA™ (formerly FindWhat), Netscape Search™, WebCrawler™, and every other search engine ever invented and currently in use! There are literally over 15,000 Web-based search engines available today, and my proven system works on all of those with pay-per-click advertising!
Am I limited to $10,000, $100,000 or even $1 million in FREE pay-per-click advertising, or can I go higher?
Answer: With my amazing secret system there is NO LIMIT to how high you can go! If all you want is just $100,000 in Google paid-for advertising but for free, then you can stop there if you choose. But if you’re like me, you can go as high as many, many millions of dollars in otherwise paid-for (and thrown away!) advertising on Google and practically every other search engine on the entire Web! My system never binds you, only frees you from ever having to pay for another pay-per-click ever again!
Will Google and other search engines get mad at me and hunt me down and kill me?
Answer: No! Google and all other search engines my system allows you to get pay-per-clicks on but for FREE are not at any loss due to your use of my secret system. They still will make their money and won’t be harmed because YOU end up getting from now on even $10 million’s in FREE pay-per-click advertising. Once you secure my secret for yourself and find out how I’ve been doing this for years (and STILL continue to do so even to this very day!) you’ll see just what I mean (you may even laugh when you see how amazing, yet simple this truly is!)
I must admit, this sounds too good to be true, so I’m thinking about just passing up your offer. Is this valid reasoning?
Answer: Sure, if you want to forever miss out on the best-kept secret on the entire Internet! Hey, it’s no skin off my back if you decide not to secure my system for yourself. I’m already rich so getting just a few bucks more out of you won’t either make or break me. BUT! Passing up on my secret when it is in fact the answer you’ve been looking for to getting many millions in FREE advertising on Google and all other search engines may quite possibly be the deciding factor as to whether you really succeed online or not! (So pass up this offer at your own risk – but don’t say I didn’t WARN YOU FIRST!)
Reading this site has made me wish “Get Google Ads FREE!” was my idea. I’ll bet you’re making a bundle selling your secret to the world. So is there any possible way I too can get in on your success?
Answer: Yes! Inside my secret I reveal how I will actually share my money with you! Look, I’ve made so many millions online, that I’m now feeling a little bit like a selfish pig. I have fancy cars, planes, several mansions, boats and even young beautiful girls hanging around me all day. So honestly, I figure it wouldn’t hurt me in the slightest if I shared my cash fortune with you! (In fact, I may actually just end up making more money by letting YOU in on this!) So inside my secret I show you a way where I’ll give you 75% of every sale you make of this amazing secret! So don’t put off, but secure it for yourself RIGHT NOW!
I’ve decided I want to be just very hardheaded and not claim your amazing secret for my own use and profit. What do you have to say about that, ‘rich man?’
Answer: Best of luck to you on the Web. Ever since Google went public many experts say they’ve just gotten more and more expensive, thereby weeding out a tremendous segment of their advertisers. So if you honestly want to keep gambling your advertising dollars away, then by all means, be a fool, lose money, and never get rich like me and the many others who’ve just now discovered my secret and made it their very own too! Again, good luck (cuz you’re gunna need it!)
So are you ready to succeed BIG?
Are you “itching” to get started? If so, then my NEW release of “Get Google Ads FREE!” is just sitting here waiting for you! All YOU need to do is click below and DOWNLOAD directly to your desktop, and my secret becomes YOURS instantly!
How much easier could it be?
***>>> The fact is: it can’t be any easier!
I’ve deliberately packaged it as a simple-to-read PDF ebook with instant applications you can “activate” directly from inside! (If you don't already have Adobe, download it here free.)
It takes just 32 seconds to secure online and have it in front of you!
I’ve made it this easy to get so that you don’t have a single valid excuse for refusing to grab it for yourself! Even the cost to get it is so small in relation to what you get out of it, that you’d literally have to hate money not to demand this right here and now for yourself!
But hold up: Before you claim ‘Get Google Ads FREE’
for yourself you must read this important section!...
Now you can sell “Get Google Ads FREE” and earn a HUGE 75% commission on each & every sale you make! …
Plus …
You can actually use the SECRET in “Get Google Ads FREE” to get all your Google ads you use to sell it FREE!

You of course can become an affiliate free and start selling. But, for anyone claiming their very own copy of Get Google Ads FREE I have a SURPRISE BONUS section in the back of the ebook for YOU!
I walk you through step-by-step, and actually show you a very simple (but HIGHLY-EFFECTIVE) strategy for selling Get Google Ads FREE to others where YOU make an amazing income instantly!
This way, you get to SHARE in my fortune!
Yes, yes, yes – there are of course the simple and the usual tools to help any affiliate sell this amazing ebook. However, ONLY INSIDE the ebook itself will you find my proven and carefully-designed Affiliate-Selling Plan!
► And this is exclusively for people claiming a copy for themselves!
I even show you how to use my amazing secret for getting Google ads free to actually sell the ebook itself using Google (but without spending a dime on advertising costs!)
Imagine placing this POWERFUL Google ad to sell Get Google Ads FREE! …

I show you how you can get TOP Premium Ads at Google (and 100s of other top search engines) to actually sell Get Google Ads FREE to others, but where you DON’T pay for the cost of your Google ads you use to sell it!

Your ads would be at the TOP of pages like these for “free adwords,” “free ads,” and “free advertising” and the like! (A total of many 100s of select highly-targeted keywords & phrases!)
You could have ads appearing at results from 100s of keywords and phrases!...
Imagine getting as few as 500-600 ‘clicks’ a week with just 10 keywords and where you had NO Google ads’ costs!
Then, let’s say you got an average of 6.7% conversion -- as our tests have shown can easily happen as this is one really HOT product! (Note: Few of even the finest products and websites today convert over 1%! Ours converts between 5% and 8% regularly on average!)
You average over $45 commission per sale!
I’m making a bundle selling Get Google Ads FREE, and now you can share in my fortune by becoming my affiliate!
But remember: This SPECIAL Bonus Section is only available to you if you secure a copy for yourself – and it contains many things you can’t get at the Affiliate Page! (So you MUST order Get Google Ads FREE for yourself to see all the exciting extra selling materials I give you that will make you even more money!)
WARNING! – Don’t order from yourself as we will DISABLE your copy remotely if you do as that would be unfair. PLUS, you should be glad we do this as this more than ensures that YOU get YOUR COMMISIONS as people will be FORCED to order through you so you ALWAYS get your commissions no matter what – and there’s NO WAY around this!
So please, claim your copy of my secret for yourself without wasting another minute!
Order Now just by clicking the button immediately below!
But wait, there’s even MORE!..
When you claim your copy of Get Google Ads FREE! you’ll
also receive the “POWER LESSONS” absolutely FREE!
These supplements arrive in your email and are jam-packed with additional information and materials designed to help you make even more money using what you learn inside!
The author shows you specific examples he’s been successful with, and provides you an almost endless series of powerful resources enabling you to do even more!
Included are such things as:
• “How [the author] Made $7 Million!”
• “The Secret to ‘PRE-Capitalization!”
• “How [the author] Made Over $10 million Selling Electronic Games!” (Using this secret!)
• “How to Use this SECRET as an Affiliate Marketer!”
• “Sources of FREE Traffic!”
• “Real Contact Support Emails Answered by Our Staff!” (You may find YOUR questions already answered here!)
• “How to Guarantee YOUR SUCCESS!”

Plus, many more extra lessons FREE!
You even get FREE Audio Lessons in each jam-packed issue!
Considering you get “Get Google Ads Free” (which shows you this amazing secret in itself!) these EXTRA supplemental lessons are an extraordinary amazing series of SUPER-BONUSES you’ll look forward to in your daily email!
As if all this weren’t enough, you’ll even get future supplemental products, ebooks, and reports on a variety of related helpful information all FREE! (Unless you say stop! – Ha!)
So don’t miss out! Secure your copy of Get Google Ads Free now!