Is your blog nominated for Pakistan’s First Annual Blog Awards?

Google Pakistan and CIO Pakistan have been promoting blogging for the last couple of years by arranging bloggers meetups and tweetups in order to create blogging awareness. Once again, they are taking Pakistani blogging community to the next level as they have teamed up to organize Pakistan’s first Annual Blog Awards.

The main objective of organizing this annual convention is to recognize and platformize one of the fastest growing online mediums in Pakistan i.e. Blogging. Another purpose of creating such event is to improve the online image of Pakistan because blogging has empowered everyone of us to shout out loud and get our voices heard internationally.

If you are a blogger, you must submit your blog for the nomination according to your blog’s category. This might be a turning point in your blogging career because this is an opportunity to showcase your blog to Pakistani blogging community which will increase the traffic, exposure and interaction with other bloggers.

The best part about this Blog Award that it has a lot of categories so you’ll have a better chance to nominate your blog according to your specific category. Here is a list of categories : -